Have you ever noticed the beginning of a website address, http/https?
Imagine the internet as a vast highway, where information travels back and forth between your computer and websites. HTTP and HTTPS are like two different lanes on that highway:
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the basic lane, the original way information has been travelling online for years. It's like sending postcards: anyone along the way can read what's written on them. This is fine for casual browsing, but it's not ideal for anything sensitive like online banking or entering passwords.
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure lane, like sending a registered letter with a lock. It uses encryption to scramble the information as it travels, making it unreadable to anyone trying to intercept it. Think of it like a tunnel protecting your data from prying eyes.
Here's a table summarising the key differences:
Feature | HTTP | HTTPS |
Security | There is no encryption, data is sent in plain text | Encrypted data, secure from eavesdropping |
Privacy | Anyone can see the information you send and receive | Only authorized parties can see the information |
Trustworthiness | Less trustworthy, often used for non-sensitive information | More trustworthy, often used for sensitive information like banking and online payments |
Lock icon in browser | No lock icon | Shows a lock icon in the address bar |